Title: Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 Original Title: デジモンアドベンチャーVテイマー01 (Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01) Author: Yabuno Tenya Publisher: V Jump Category: Shounen Genre: Action adventure Status in Japan: 9 volumes, complete Scanlation Status: Rerelease in progress Scanlator:Megchan’s Scanlations + Xros Raws More Info:Baka Updates
Summary: Based on the original Digimon v-pets rather than the anime, V-Tamer follows the adventures of a different Yagami Tachi and his partner V-dramon as they battle to save the digital world.
Title: Love’s Miracle Original Title: 恋の奇跡 (Koi no Kiseki) Author: Morita Yuko Publisher: Kiss Comics Category: Josei Genre: Drama Status in Japan: 8 volumes, complete Scanlation Status: Ongoing Scanlator:Megchan’s Scanlations More Info:Baka Updates Read Online:MangaDex
Summary: Chubby and plain, Taeko’s biggest worry is whether she’ll ever have the courage to tell her crush how she feels. Then one day a mysterious cousin comes to stay and Taeko’s world is shattered. Cast out of her own home after her mother’s death, Taeko stumbles into the night and is hit by a truck. When she wakes up, she’s greeted by a doctor who promises to turn her life around. And thus begins a tale of revenge and intrigue that’s a roller coaster of cracked out soap opera fun from start to finish.
Chapter Summary: Yukino and Taeko get cast in another movie together thanks to Taeko’s challenge on TV. Meanwhile Kai continues to insist he set the fire, and Taeko and Dr. Hijiri grow closer.
Title: Yuria’s Red String Original Title: ゆりあ先生の赤い糸 (Yuria-sensei no Akai Ito) Author: Irie Kiwa Publisher: Be Love Comics Category: Josei Genre: Drama, Slice of Life Status in Japan: 11 volumes, complete Scanlation Status: Ongoing Scanlator:Megchan’s Scanlations More Info:Baka Updates Read Online:MangaDex
Summary: Fifty-year-old Yuria has a quiet life teaching embroidery classes in her home, where she lives with her writer husband and his mother. Then one day her world is turned upside down when husband has a subarachnoid hemorrhage and upon arriving at the hospital, Yuria is met by a tearful young man who announces that he is her husband’s lover.
Chapter Summary: Riku’s mother pays the Izawa household a surprise visit.
Title: Love’s Miracle Original Title: 恋の奇跡 (Koi no Kiseki) Author: Morita Yuko Publisher: Kiss Comics Category: Josei Genre: Drama Status in Japan: 8 volumes, complete Scanlation Status: Ongoing Scanlator:Megchan’s Scanlations More Info:Baka Updates Read Online:MangaDex
Summary: Chubby and plain, Taeko’s biggest worry is whether she’ll ever have the courage to tell her crush how she feels. Then one day a mysterious cousin comes to stay and Taeko’s world is shattered. Cast out of her own home after her mother’s death, Taeko stumbles into the night and is hit by a truck. When she wakes up, she’s greeted by a doctor who promises to turn her life around. And thus begins a tale of revenge and intrigue that’s a roller coaster of cracked out soap opera fun from start to finish.
Chapter Summary: The kidnapping goes off without a hitch, but the prolonged proximity to her mother starts to rattle Yukino.
Title: Yuria’s Red String Original Title: ゆりあ先生の赤い糸 (Yuria-sensei no Akai Ito) Author: Irie Kiwa Publisher: Be Love Comics Category: Josei Genre: Drama, Slice of Life Status in Japan: 11 volumes, complete Scanlation Status: Ongoing Scanlator:Megchan’s Scanlations More Info:Baka Updates Read Online:MangaDex
Summary: Fifty-year-old Yuria has a quiet life teaching embroidery classes in her home, where she lives with her writer husband and his mother. Then one day her world is turned upside down when husband has a subarachnoid hemorrhage and upon arriving at the hospital, Yuria is met by a tearful young man who announces that he is her husband’s lover.
Chapter Summary: Yuria can no longer deny her feelings…
Title: Love’s Miracle Original Title: 恋の奇跡 (Koi no Kiseki) Author: Morita Yuko Publisher: Kiss Comics Category: Josei Genre: Drama Status in Japan: 8 volumes, complete Scanlation Status: Ongoing Scanlator:Megchan’s Scanlations More Info:Baka Updates Read Online:MangaDex
Summary: Chubby and plain, Taeko’s biggest worry is whether she’ll ever have the courage to tell her crush how she feels. Then one day a mysterious cousin comes to stay and Taeko’s world is shattered. Cast out of her own home after her mother’s death, Taeko stumbles into the night and is hit by a truck. When she wakes up, she’s greeted by a doctor who promises to turn her life around. And thus begins a tale of revenge and intrigue that’s a roller coaster of cracked out soap opera fun from start to finish.
Chapter Summary: Yukino plots to rid herself of both Taeko and her mother in one fell swoop.
Title: Yuria’s Red String Original Title: ゆりあ先生の赤い糸 (Yuria-sensei no Akai Ito) Author: Irie Kiwa Publisher: Be Love Comics Category: Josei Genre: Drama, Slice of Life Status in Japan: 11 volumes, complete Scanlation Status: Ongoing Scanlator:Megchan’s Scanlations More Info:Baka Updates Read Online:MangaDex
Summary: Fifty-year-old Yuria has a quiet life teaching embroidery classes in her home, where she lives with her writer husband and his mother. Then one day her world is turned upside down when husband has a subarachnoid hemorrhage and upon arriving at the hospital, Yuria is met by a tearful young man who announces that he is her husband’s lover.
Chapter Summary: An embroidery lesson turns into something more…
Title: Love’s Miracle Original Title: 恋の奇跡 (Koi no Kiseki) Author: Morita Yuko Publisher: Kiss Comics Category: Josei Genre: Drama Status in Japan: 8 volumes, complete Scanlation Status: Ongoing Scanlator:Megchan’s Scanlations More Info:Baka Updates Read Online:MangaDex
Summary: Chubby and plain, Taeko’s biggest worry is whether she’ll ever have the courage to tell her crush how she feels. Then one day a mysterious cousin comes to stay and Taeko’s world is shattered. Cast out of her own home after her mother’s death, Taeko stumbles into the night and is hit by a truck. When she wakes up, she’s greeted by a doctor who promises to turn her life around. And thus begins a tale of revenge and intrigue that’s a roller coaster of cracked out soap opera fun from start to finish.
Chapter Summary: Yukino is approached by her estranged mother, who doesn’t recognize her. But has she really changed? Meanwhile, Taeko finds herself drawn to Hijiri when she learns of his tragic past.
Title: Yuria’s Red String Original Title: ゆりあ先生の赤い糸 (Yuria-sensei no Akai Ito) Author: Irie Kiwa Publisher: Be Love Comics Category: Josei Genre: Drama, Slice of Life Status in Japan: 11 volumes, complete Scanlation Status: Ongoing Scanlator:Megchan’s Scanlations More Info:Baka Updates Read Online:MangaDex
Summary: Fifty-year-old Yuria has a quiet life teaching embroidery classes in her home, where she lives with her writer husband and his mother. Then one day her world is turned upside down when husband has a subarachnoid hemorrhage and upon arriving at the hospital, Yuria is met by a tearful young man who announces that he is her husband’s lover.
Chapter Summary: Yuria contemplates another embroidery lesson with Ban.
Title: Love’s Miracle Original Title: 恋の奇跡 (Koi no Kiseki) Author: Morita Yuko Publisher: Kiss Comics Category: Josei Genre: Drama Status in Japan: 8 volumes, complete Scanlation Status: Ongoing Scanlator:Megchan’s Scanlations More Info:Baka Updates Read Online:MangaDex
Summary: Chubby and plain, Taeko’s biggest worry is whether she’ll ever have the courage to tell her crush how she feels. Then one day a mysterious cousin comes to stay and Taeko’s world is shattered. Cast out of her own home after her mother’s death, Taeko stumbles into the night and is hit by a truck. When she wakes up, she’s greeted by a doctor who promises to turn her life around. And thus begins a tale of revenge and intrigue that’s a roller coaster of cracked out soap opera fun from start to finish.
Chapter Summary: Taeko is in a deep depression after Kai’s disappearance, and Hijiri and Yukino are not helping. Will the threat of losing her role in the film be enough to get her back on track?