Title: Free Kisses
Author: Akahoshi Jake
Publisher: Daria Comics
Category: Josei
Genre: BL
Status in Japan: 1 volume, complete
Scanlation Status: Complete
Scanlator: Fugacious Fella + Megchan’s Scanlations
More Info: Baka Updates
Read Online: MangaDex
Summary: In junior high, Aikou had a crush on his tutor that ended badly. Now in high school, he’s joined a “kiss club” at a local bar to try and relearn about love starting with the basics. While holding up a “free kisses” sign in the park one day, he’s spotted by Eisuke, a boy from his school. Intrigued by Aikou’s sign, Eisuke impulsively kisses him. Could this kiss be Aikou’s chance to start over?
Free Kisses (7/17/17)