
Title: Tensei (Splendid)
Original Title: 天晴 (Tensei)
Author: Kawahara Kazune
Publisher: Margaret Comics
Category: Shoujo
Genre: Oneshots, Romance
Status in Japan: 1 volume, complete
Scanlation Status: Complete
Scanlator: Megchan’s Scanlations + Fugacious Fella (+ NightSwan (HotCakes) for chapter 1)
More Info: Baka Updates
Read Online: MangaDex

Summary: In “Tensei (Splendid)”, Painfully shy Chiaki is devastated when she doesn’t recognize any names on the roster of her new class, but the boy she’s sat next to, Goto, is so outgoing and funny, they soon become good friends. Little by little, Chiaki begins to come out of her shell, but will it be enough when she realizes her feelings go beyond friendship…?

“One and Only” is the story of Rika and Itou, who meet at the restaurant they both work at after school. Rika finds Itou scary and intimidating at first, but as he opens up to her, she soon finds herself falling for him. But when Itou announces he’s quitting due to his mother’s health, Rika is devastated…

In “He Won’t Love Me”, everyone knows Yasuda has a crush on Honda Yuka, AKA Yuka-chan-senpai, but that doesn’t deter Akira from confessing her feelings to him. But when he agrees to go out with her, she finds it’s harder than she thought to be with someone who has feelings for someone else.

Story 1: Tensei (Splendid) (2/13/14)
Story 2: One and Only (5/15/17)
Story 3: He Won’t Love Me (7/25/18)

Or download all three stories together: Tensei (Splendid)


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