Gunjo ch. 28

Title: Gunjo
Original Title: 羣青 (Gunjou)
Author: Nakamura Ching
Publisher: Ikki Comics
Genre: Seinen
Status in Japan: 3 volumes, complete
Scanlator: Megchan’s Scanlations + Heterophobia Fansubs
Scanlation Status: Ongoing
More Info: Baka Updates

Summary: Out of desperation, a woman asks an old high school friend to kill her abusive husband for her. The friend, having long been in love with this woman, does it, and now they are on the run from the law.

Chapter Summary: When the kids try to steal their dad’s car key, they end up waking their mom…

Chapter 28

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14 responses to “Gunjo ch. 28”

  1. Underurbed Avatar

    Thank you for the chapter!

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome!

  2. svines85 Avatar

    Cool, thanks a lot :)

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome! :)

  3. Gwndolin Avatar

    Thanks so much!!

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome!

  4. winter Avatar

    Ah, mom might not be perfect, but she’s certainly no nonsense and has her priorities in order. This took another swerve. Really excited to see where the conclusion is going. Thanks for the release!!

    1. megchan Avatar

      Yeah, I like the contrast of her with the asshole brother. Hopefully the next chapter won’t be such a long wait!

  5. L7_K Avatar

    This made my day! Thank you so much!!!

    1. megchan Avatar

      Yay! :)

  6. Breizh Avatar

    Thank you very much for the chapter. Good to see that your efforts to find help on this project finally paid off ! :)

    1. megchan Avatar

      I’m determined to finish it, even if it takes what seems like forever! XD But hopefully this time we really will be able to get the chapters out on a more regular basis.

  7. Joshua Avatar

    YES! GUNJO IS BACK! So happy*, thanks so much!

    *The kind of happiness that comes with closure, not that the bitter, toxic story of Gunjo itself is making me happy. Does seem to be warming up a bit though.

    1. megchan Avatar

      I’m happy it’s back, too! :D I really hope there won’t be anymore huge delays like that.

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